Friday, December 03, 2004

Help Make Every Vote Count!

Dear Santa,

I want a statewide hand recount of the Washington State election for Christmas. Enclosed please find my $25 contribution to the Washington State Democrats accordingly, who desperately need to raise $750k by day end today to make that happen. I'd send money to
Ohio to help out there, too but it looks like the nat'l dems are focusing on that and I'm totally tapped out. WA on the other hand is just over the border, is like a second home and I have tons of family there. The female Democratic candidate for governor only trails her opponent by 42 votes. This Christmas, I want to give the country back her democratic ideals, starting with my beloved neighbors to the north. Please help. Thank you! (P.S. - did I mention what a very good girl I've been all year?)

****Update: Thank you Santa! Democrats have enough to pay for recount in governor's race "Top-ranking Democratic sources said the party has raised the necessary $700,000-plus to recount all 2.9 million votes cast for governor on Nov. 2 - not just votes in selected counties. A flood of online contributions put the party over the top, the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity."

I'm very proud of Gregoire for hanging tough on her "entire statewide recount or no recount" position. The nat'l party initially only wanted to do recounts only in selected counties/precincts where they thought the results of said recount would be in her favor. This way, it's not just a point of one candidate trying to selfishly play spoiler - it's about upholding the integrity of the entire election process for *every* voter, even the ones who didn't vote for her. Bravo.

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