Friday, December 12, 2003

Elvis Has Left The Building

I promised to give my favorite minor Greek Goddess, Echidne of the snakes: Sigh some airplay so she'll get a boost in blog ranking. Good luck!

Sad update on the "mom's new puppy" front. I don't even know how to write this - it's just too damned tragic for words. Basically, while hanging Christmas garlands on a window, Mom stepped right on little Elvis (her new Maltese puppy) who was sleeping under a blanket on a big chair. 18 hours of intense ICU at the vet later he passed on due to his injuries. Mom, of course was totally devestated. She had to take 2 days of bereavement time at work. I feel so abominally crappy for her - but on the other hand, I'm thinking "Mom - get a clue... Youve had 4 dogs lost or killed in the last 2 years. Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something??"

Moving on the thought has crossed my mind recently that in general people attribute much more intelligence to their fellow humans than they have any right to deserve. Really - think about it. We accuse other people of plotting and conspiring and manipulating to incredible degrees, when the truth of the matter is, unless you're a contestant of Survivor nobody has the time or mental accuity to actually spend hours rubbing mental hands together thinking "how can I screw xxxx ???" Basically, everyone operates from a standpoint of simple self-preservation and self-aggrandizement, and unless you *are* stranded on a deserted island totally removed from the hustle & bustle and pressure of everyday life, nobody has the mental energy to spare trying to think beyond how they're going to get a paycheck, buy groceries and run their kids all over town. I don't think that changes as people get richer and more powerful.

Administrative note: It's occurred to me that anyone running a google search on any of the names I've used here could find my blog and shatter my illusion of anonymity, so I've changed the names of coworkers and companies to cover my own ass.

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