Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Mom's Pet Cemetary

Got my hair cut yesterday - I'm not sure if I like it or not. I threatened to shave it all off but Curt called my bluff, citing how much $$ we'd save. "You could just tell people you're Buddhist, honey!"

I go to the dentist in 30 minutes. I'm dreading it a bit. There's the one tooth the other dentist filled in July that was so close to the nerve it could maybe use a root canal; then the crown the new dentist says needs replaced - both on the left lower jaw. But this last week my right side has been killing me - sometimes upper, sometimes lower - and according to the new dentist there weren't any unfilled cavities over there. I suspect he's wrong.

Cleo is not a happy camper since she's been confined to quarters. I'be been taking her out in the yard for supervised potty breaks under her favorite shrubs morning and night, but I don't know how much longer she'll be satisfied with that before she catches on that she won't get to STAY outside and starts bolting the minute I set her down. As soon as she does, I think I'll need to invest in a kitty leash. The horror, the indignity!!!

Mom is now up to her 4th dog in 2 years down in Florence. A Maltese puppy to replace Cappy, who took off one day a couple of weeks ago when Bill had her off her leash down on the dunes, never to be seen or heard from again. Jinx was devestated when we went down for the weekend - she missed her best friend.

I don't get it. It's a TOY puppy for cryin' out loud! That aint a real dog! If you want a lapwarmer you've already got 4 cats!! What's the point? She says she wanted a dog that Bill can't take to the beach. Understandable - Cappy was a replacement for Willard, the Black Lab/ Great Dane dog that ran off when Bill was crabbing... hmmmm I'm sensing a pattern here. If I didn't know Bill loved those damned dogs so much I might be suspicious. I really do feel sorry for him, he must feel like total shit, losing *two* dogs. We've offered to let Jinx stay down there for extended visits - Bill adores her, she adores him. He's retired, she's not left all alone all day.... honestly if it weren't for this cumbersome habit of losing dogs alltogether we might just give her to him out of guilt. I know it's not that he abuses them or anything. I think it's just lack of discipline and his letting 'em run loose in areas where he can't chase 'em down when they get stubborn and don't want to come when called (like the scrub brush).

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