Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Random Thoughts

I’ve been kicking myself lately for going the cheapo route when we got new cellphones and not forking out a little extra dough to get the one that came with the digital camera function. If I’d had one, here are some of the picts I would have taken the last two days for your blogviewing pleasure:

1) A strange little livingroom tableau some intrepid artist/prankster set up on a scrap piece of plywood in some greenspace next to Hwy 99E in Milwaukie overlooking the river this weekend. There was the requisite nasty 70’s era recliner (orange flowers and all); cheesy clunky lamp with oversized cylindrical shade; old TV of the rabbit-eared, knob-turning variety on a cheap faux-wood TV stand and assorted other clutter I didn’t get a clear look at as I drove past on my way to work. By this morning, it was gone.

2) Timeless raindrops literally captured by small spider webs in the ivy along the river trail at lunch today that made the green hillside look like Martha Stewart faeries had come along and nestled crystal bowls in the greenery. I wouldn’t have been surprised at all to see floating candles, too.

3) Goslings on the patio at the swanky office down the river trail where I ate my lunch today. There’ve been two Canadian Geese couples in the river below my office raising their youngins this spring – they’ve got about 18 babes between them. They’ve reached the awkward adolescent phase where they’re molting and their adult coloration & markings are beginning to show through the cute fuzzy yellow and black down. They’re about ¾ the size of Mom & Dad, on average with the exception of one adorable little runt who is still about half the size of his siblings. I sat out on the wrought iron table overlooking the green willows and sweep of the river, eating my sandwich. They were all busy stripping the grass and other landscaping of assorted grubs and slugs. It was kind of amazing.

Geese can be so damned aggressive & protective with their young. I was surprised the parents brought them right here in the midst of humans. But when a man walked over eating a bag of chips and the goslings all rushed him at the sound of the crinkling, I realized they were on a mission to mooch, and Mom & Dad were showing them how. I tried for quite awhile to resist the urge to feed but then another woman started and yes, I’m a little ashamed to admit… I gave in to the corruptive influence and started targeting my little runt with gently tossed handouts of crust and lettuce. It was quite a challenge, too – his brothers & sisters were determined to cut him out but my little buddy was quick! Then Mom & Dad (very BIG and kind of scary) decided to horn in on the action, and after seeing how one overeager gosling had pecked my fellow philanthropist when she didn’t produce fast enough, I made a break for it.

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