Monday, December 01, 2003

Duelling Pissmonsters at Dawn

My desk reaks of chemicals - like fingernail polish and I can't find the source. I suspect the new liquid bandage stuff I bought at RiteAid a few weeks ago. Think clear nail polish with an antiseptic in it - but the lid is tightly sealed. It's driving me nuts. I mean if it *had* spilled the smell would dissipate, wouldn't it?

Anyway - had a nice Turkey Day at Dad's though big surprise, my dear brother wasn't able to make it. Then we went to Mom's on the coast for the rest of the weekend. Nice and relaxing after the stressful week I've had. We came home, however to our neighbor, Montel banging on the door demanding satisfaction for his neurotic cat, who has apparently been traumatized beyond tolerance by my sweet, toothless calico Cleo. She goes over there and actually tries to get into their house, even though their cat has made it crystal clear she does not want to share her abode. I have no idea what the attraction is but suspect it's the lure of the forbidden. They certainly haven't been overly friendly to her. Maybe that's the problem - she can't stand to have people not like her? Montel did not find my suggestion that they may have better catfood very amusing. Sometimes I don't think they have a sense of humor. That seems to be the case with most devout Christians I meet, though.

So I taped up the catdoor with cardboard and confined Cleo to her quarters for the duration. I fully expect to feel her wrath in the coming days. It's her own damned fault! We've got a wonderful yard, empty lot in the back and plenty of house for her to call home - she has no need to try to annex their house, as well! If she does manage to slip out we gave them full permission to make it as unpleasant for her as possible - including turning a hose on her if necessary.

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