Monday, January 12, 2004

Some Music Critics Get So Vicious!

Curt & I had a wonderful clearing of the air on Friday eve.... and a lovely weekend. I felt much more "connected" to him than I have in awhile. We're getting better at this arguing thing. Our raised & intense voices only scared the cats twice, whereas in the past they would knock each other out bolting for the door. Heh - I wonder if someone could make a go of using "pet therapy" for couples counseling. It would definitely teach people to moderate their "tone" if they had to keep a kitty happily purring in their laps whilst discussing how the secretary's undies got under the seat of the Mercedes.

Cleo, especially is very sensitive to sound/tone. She's the reason I gave up playing my flute. I can't tell if she likes it or hates it but every time I play she comes running and tries to rub up against my face/ hands, purring like a diesel engine and knocking my instrument from my mouth/ out of my hands. Sometimes she even bites my cheek. So to avoid possible dental damage and disfigurement I don't subject her to it very often. You'd think if it hurt her ears she'd run outside to get away, don't you? Another theory is she thinks I'm hurting when I do it. I can elicit a similar response by high pitched crying, and Curt's gotten it by whistling. Just freaky. But if Curt really wants me to start playing again he's going to have to provide better interference.

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