Thursday, March 25, 2004

Gestatory Limbo

*ahem* Ok - don't panic, don't get too excited here, but maybe, just maybe, quite possibly one of Curt's swimmers *may* have triumphantly crossed the finish line last month. Fuckin' piss-on-a-stick test still says no, but Aunt Flo's over a week late and she's never been that late before. Never. Ever. She likes my Chicken & Dumplin's too much to miss dinner, I swear. So something must have happened to her in transit. Of course, we all no how much success I had with the ovulatory versions of the piss-on-a-stick tests so that might account for it. Though, come to think of it... if I *were* knocked up right before I began those tests they'd have come out negatory anyway, right? But if so then I'd surely be far along enough for the EPT to work?? Or maybe it happened during the 4th week of my cycle and it's still too early to show up???... The boobs are tender and I *might* be a little more tired than usual but aside from that, I'm not experiencing any other symptoms. In any event, time will tell.

I'd go to the ob/gyno to have them confirm (though I think they just have more expensive pisstests that aren't any more sensitive than the OTC ones) but I'm still in a bit of insurance limbo. My benefits won't kick in for another 2 months - Curt's tried to get me on his and we don't know if I'm covered or not. I should definitely be after the 1st. So I might as well give it a week and see what happens. I'll just abstain from the alcohol consumption and other prego "no-no's" until then, just to be on the safe side.

Of course, it could be what with the stress of starting a new job, and my wanting a baby so bad maybe I've subconsciouisly talked myself into a fake pregnancy? Stranger things have happened. In any event, I'm also not experiencing any symptoms of the premenstruel variety (besides aforementioned boob tenderness), either (like cramps and mood swings) which typically presage Flo's arrival.... so, WTF?

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