Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Burnt Bridge Creek - Frog Pond

It was the first rainy weekend of Fall. MickeyD and I went for a soaking walk/bike in search of amphibians at our favorite neighborhood "pond",  Burnt Bridge Creek.  It's a great example of how those pesky treehuggers (or in this case, frogkissers) are turning old urban irrigation ditches like this (left) into fabulous reclaimed watersheds that not only protect our little burg from seasonal flooding, but provide great habitat for all manner of wild critters, as well as terrific, easily accessible nature walks and recreational opportunities right in our own backyard (below) .
Where we can get up close and personal to the local Flora.  Gorgeous roses on the left - some local, natural variety I think (maybe Wood's Rose?)- and their resulting rose hips which look like huge radishes. Apparently, they're quite edible, too and have been used in traditional herbal medicine for eons (including treatment for cold/flu! See Tea Musings experiment with Rose Hips, here or  Grandma's Flu fighting tea recipe).  Also?  Can be used to make Hungarian booze.

And Fauna.  Pac. NW Petting Zoo on the Left.  Yes, it's a slug. They taste like chicken! (kidding) .  Though I believe they are, in fact edible (NW Escargot!) I'd say they'd be a protein source of last resort.  No medicinal use that I know of.  If we found one we could start a whole new industry, I'm sure.  Amphibian pond dweller on the Right.

Close up of deluvian denizen. 
Mission accomplished.

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