Monday, December 22, 2003

DJ's Selling Out

I heard one of those testimonial ads from the DJ on the radio at work this morning for the crappy Lasik Vision Institute I mentioned last week. I was so pissed I sent him an email. Here's what I got:

Thanks for your concern about the Lasik Vision Institute. I actually had the procedure done and I have been very happy with the results. I don't wish to defend the company. I know that they came to us looking for someone to have the surgery done and then to talk about it on the air. That is the extent of my involvement with the company. I am very thrilled about everything that has happened for me. I can see awesome right now without glasses and that's a big bonus for me. Happy Holidays to you and your family....oh, and thanks for listening!

Yeah, you bastard you got to have it done FOR FREE!!!! Of course you were fucking thrilled with the results! I hate it when my favorite radio personalities sell out like this. Last time it was the LA Weight Loss center. Just pisses me off to hear 'em droning on and on ad nauseum about how "terrific" the service/ product in question is when they didn't have to go through the fucking high pressure sales torture experience or pay thru the nose for the service. Maybe when I hear one say "I personally paid $1000's and it was worth EVERY PENNEY!!" I'll waste half a brain cell to actually consider what they're selling.

So fuck you Jeff!! I'm still going to Canada (have heard more stories of friends-of-friends who have done that very happily).

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