Thursday, December 18, 2003

Mystery of the Shoe Debris

The Kittlin has a shoe fetish. Not only does he greatly enjoy laying on top of our shoes but also sticking his little head down inside. Jinx, on the other hand does not chew shoes (thank Maude) but has a wood/woodproducts fetish.

These seemingly unrelated fetishes would appear to have nothing in common if it weren't for the human element in the house. Namely, Curt's love of popsicles and my tendency to leave shoes around. So the other day Curt & I are laying in bed when we witness the solution to the greatest mystery to hit our home since the racoon invasion: how do our shoes seem to magically aquire popsicle debris down by the toes?

Curt eats popsicle. Gives popsicle to Jinx. Jinx chews up popsicle stick and leaves on floor. Kittlin finds chewed sticks and drags them to any available empty shoe laying around and deposits them way down by the toes therein, for I (or Curt) to discover the next time we put them on.

Watching this little kitten drag a popsicle stick across the room and finagle it down inside the shoe was the most hysterical thing we've seen in ages. He was so fucking intent! We have no idea what his motive is but it occurs to me that if we could harness & better focus this packrat ability we might not need to get that roomba robotic vacuum I'm been eyeing.....It's too bad we already fixed the little guy or maybe we could breed a whole herd of housecleaning felines.

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