Monday, December 29, 2003

Maybe there's hope!

Well, there was a different ad in the paper last week for these Lasik guys in Vancouver, WA. I think they may be the ones my doc warned me about, who were offering cheap rates on obsolete equipment, but I'm going to a consultation tomorow anyway. They at least have the more state of the art stuff available but presumably at a higher price. But if their higher price for new equipment is still less than what I'd have to pay going to Canada it may well be worth it. No class action suit against them so far that I can see and our realtor's sister had it done there & is ecstatic. Though I admit I was rather looking forward to the trip to Vancouver BC to have it done.

We had a lovely Christmas down at Mom's. Though Curt annoyed Ty's Mother in Law slightly with his remarks about religion. She runs a little church-based school. Ty asked me to ask Curt to "lay off". BUt I said fuck it. I'm not going to ask him to censor his speech for anyone and what's Christmas without some traditional religion-bashing? I know - not very Zen of me but I'm sick of suppressing my opinions in the interest of not causing offense. If they can't handle a little bit of heathen skepticism then they're obviously not very secure in their thinking.

But there is hope that people are starting to question long-held Biblical truths, especially as regards Biblical portrayals of woman and women's "proper role" in society, which is my main beef with the Church (apart from the troublesome God thing). Ty & his wife & MIL were gaga over a book, the "Da Vinci Code" that was also mentioned in the Cosmic Log this week. I'd seen a thread about the book over on the Ms boards a few months ago but some people panned it as "interesting, but not very feminist" on the grounds that the lead female characters weren't well developed. So I haven't read it yet, but after listening to my dear sexist brother gush over it it's bringing me hope.

Feminists have been saying Mary Magdalene, Eve and other Biblical women were given a bad rap and that the early Church intentionally interpreted/ edited the documents that made up the Bible to institutionalize their cultural mistreatment of women for decades, but now that message is finally making it into the mainstream. If this book and recent cable-channel-based documentaries that present revisionist versions of history are any indication, then maybe that feminist message is finally being heard. Woohoo!!!

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